Treatment Options
Naturopathic Doctors are trained in a variety of natural treatments, and will select the most appropriate treatments for each specific condition, creating an individualized treatment plan.
Clinical Nutrition
Diet is a cornerstone of our health, and as such Clinical Nutrition is a foundation of naturopathic treatment. Dietary changes, identifying and correcting nutritional deficiencies, identifying food sensitivities, and nutritional supplements are some of the nutritional treatments that may be recommended. Dr. Christy Wallace, ND will assess your current diet, and recommend specific treatments that will benefit your health and wellness.
Botanical Medicine
Botanical medicine is the use of medicinal and nutritional herbs. This includes capsules, tinctures, teas and creams. Herbal medicine is rich in tradition, and has much current research to support its use. Medicinal herbs can benefit many acute and chronic health conditions, and is often gentler, with less side effects than the pharmaceutical options.
Acupuncture and Asian Medicine
Based on traditional wisdom, Asian Medicine attempts to rebalance the flow of Qi (energy) throughout the body. NDs are trained in traditional diagnostics as well as acupuncture and herbal treatments. Dr. Christy will frequently use acupuncture and Asian herbs to treat a variety of conditions including hormonal imbalances, digestive conditions, fatigue, insomnia, mood disorders, and pain management.
Homeopathy and Homeopathic Drainage
Homeopathic medicine has a long tradition of healing. Developed in the 1700s, it is an energetic medicine which aims to stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities. Homeopathy is suitable for acute and chronic conditions, and can be beneficial on both physical and emotional levels. Homeopathic drainage helps to start the process of cleansing and detoxification. It accomplishes this by stimulating the excretory process of a particular organ or organ system. Once this is accomplished the body can move towards a higher level of health.
Lifestyle counseling
Dr. Christy Wallace, ND will take the time to fully explore with you the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and environmental factors which affect your health. Together you will work to modify these factors in order to optimize your health and prevent disease.
Weight Management Support
Dr. Christy Wallace, ND has a lot of experience supporting individuals to reach their weight loss goals. Before any weight loss program is begun, she will perform a full assessment identifying and factors (hormonal imbalance, thyroid dysfunction, insulin resistance, food sensitivity, etc) which may impede progress and prevent weight loss. She will then design an individualized treatment plan to allow you to reach your goals. She has experience working alongside a variety of weight loss programs to help you maximize your efforts and optimize your health.